

Years - 1979-83
Best Song - The Passions of Lovers (#28 in UK - 11/7/81)
Origin - Northampton, England
Driving Force - "We're basically four individuals who have been listening to different things, but when we get together we don't consciously think 'ohh, that sounds like so-and-so, that sounds good'. But the combination of the four together creates hopefully, we feel, a new sound that is us and nobody else. I mean if we thought we sounded like anybody else it would be pointless going on." - Danielle


Years - 1979-87
Best Song - Sex (I'm a ...) (#62 in US)
Origin - Los Angeles, USA
Driving Force - Sensual (and sexual) imagery (and lyrics)




Years - 1980-2015 (Colin Vearncombe died 26 January 2016)
Best Song - Wonderful Life (#2 in UK)
Origin - Roby, England
Driving Force - Camilla Griehsel and three children.





Years - 1979-96, 2006-
Best Song - I've Seen the World (#65 in UK as b-side of Gods Kitchen)
Origin - Harrow, England
Driving Force - "We're not the kind ofpeopl who attempt to put some sort of important message across to the world in our music 'coz we haven't got an important message."




Years - 1974-1982, 1997-
Best Song - Heart of Glass (#1 in Australia for 5 weeks)
Origin - New York
Driving Force - "My Blondie character was an inflatable doll but with a dark, provocative, aggressive side. I was playing it up, yet I was very serious."




Years - 1981-88
Best Song - Nowhere Girl
Origin - Mansfield, England
Driving Force - Aborted - Studio 10 - B-Movie - Everest the Hard Way - Chimes - Soft as Ghosts - Six Sed Red - MCX - Pete Murphy - Then Jerico - One - Slaughterhouse 5! The members of this band got around abit! Dead Good - Dream - Sire. Post-punk keyboard/guitar band classified an New Romantics guaranteeing a hard time for their credibility.

Richard Bone

Years - 1980-2012
Best Song - Men With Secrets
Origin - USA
Driving Force - Joseph Byrd - "To Richard who has seen the future from Joseph who only imagined it". And in the early days a TR 606!


BCOBoom Crash Opera

Years - 1984-present
Best Song - Great Wall
Origin - Melbourne, Australia
Driving Force -


Bow Wow Wow

Years - 1980-83 - Now re-forming (Anabella Lwin has teamed up with bassist Leigh Gorman in a re-vamped version of the band, drummer Eshan Khadroo fills the spot originally occupied by Dave Barbarossa)
Best Song - I Want Candy (#6 in UK - 3/7/82, #23 in Oz)
Origin - London, England
Driving Force - "Our main criticism of Malcolm (McLaren) is that he's too intellectual. We do have intellectual elements in what we do, but the music is basically about shagging."

BronskiBronski Beat

Years - 1984-86
Best Song - Smalltown Boy (#3 in UK - 23/6/84)
Origin - London, England
Driving Force - "With three queers and a couple of synths lying around, we were bound to come up with something good. We're such a creative lot really." Larry Steinbachek


The BugglesThe Buggles

Years - 1979-82 (recent live show)
Best Song - Video Killed the Radio Star (#1 in UK - 20-27/10/79)
Origin - England
Driving Force - Excellent production by Trevor Horn