Internet in Australia
23 June 1989 - first permanent internet connection to The University of Melbourne
28 May 1996 - Visage, Heaven 17 and Real Life
21 June 1996 - Ultravox, Classix Nouveaux
24 June 1996 - New Wave Complex
19 July 1996 - Gary Numan, Pseudo Echo
20 July 1996 - Japan
28 July 1996 - Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark
3 August 1996 - DAF
24 August 1996 - ABC
27 August 1996 - Fad Gadget
16 October 1996 - The Associates
9 November 1996 - Shock
1 January 1997 - Age 1 and 2
24 May 1997 - Hard Corps
16 February 1998 - Snowy Red
2001 - Moved site away from University of Melbourne (no longer working in that department)
11 September 2011 - Moved to 3IX (never use)
1 October 2013 - Domain name sold and files deleted by 3IX
9 March 2014 - Bought back domain name
20 June 2015 - Relaunch - Joomla!
29 June 2015 - Electronic Music Club