Heaven 17 presents...
4 September 2021 - Sheffield, City Hall

01. Intro
02. Almost Medieval
03. Circus Of Death
04. The Path Of Least Resistance
05. Blind Youth
06. The Word Before Last
07. Empire State Human
08. Morale… You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling
09. Austerity / Girl One
10. Zero As A Limit
11. The Black Hit Of Space
12. Only After Dark
13. Life Kills
14. Dreams Of Leaving
15. Toyota City
16. Crow And A Baby
17. The Touchables
18. Gordon’s Gin
19. Being Boiled
20. WXJL Tonight
21. Marianne
22. Rock ’n’ Roll / Nightclubbing
23. I Don't Depend On You (The Men)
254. (We Don't Need This) Fascist Groove Thang
25. Temptation 

 24th. & 25th. August 8pm. 26Th August TBC at Flux, The Edinburgh New Music Festival Jaffa Cake, 28 Kings Stables Road, Edinburgh Tickets available at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe box office on 0131 226 5138, or in person from the venue after 6pm.

Thanks Ian Craig Marsh


From Al Crawford
Caroline in the US are to release the B.E.F. album Music For Listening To (from what I've heard, with the tracks from Music For Stowaways added) on CD next month.


News from the Management
Heaven 17 are looking for a lisencee to release the 'Bigger Than America' album in the US.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


From Martyn - 11/6/97

Hi Ashley

An exclusive!....We've just finished an electronic version of T Rex's '20th Century Boy' which we're trying out at the Lawyer's Ball as a second encore


Martyn Ware pp H17


The first 2 album have recently been re-released in America - with extra tracks.

Release dates:

Penthouse and Pavement - Apr 29, 1997 and has "I'm Your Money" (12" version) and Play To Win (12" or Disco Mix)
Luxury Gap - May 6, 1997 and has "Temptation" (Special dance mix - ie, original 12"), "Let Me Go" (12" Mix, original) and "Crushed By The Wheels" (Dance version, original 12")

News from Michael Denton and the Sheffield Wednesday Kop Band
SWFC Kop Band are making a single with Martyn Ware which is due to be mixed when the tour ends.
Sheffield Wednesday Kop Band Official Homepage:- *************************************************** http://members.wbs.net/homepages/k/o/p/kopband.html

Proposed UK Release dates!

Single 'We Blame Love' April 14th or 21st

Album March 10th or 17th

News from Martin and Nicole
17/2/97 - new single out in Germany - We Blame Love

e-lectric (German Synthie-Pop Magazine)

News from Martyn Ware
9th January 1997

"Our new single will be 'We Blame Love' - a new version jointly produced by ourselves and Gregorio (who did 2 versions of 'Designing Heaven') - release dates TBC."

"We are trying to get a release for the album in USA."

"We start writing the new album next Monday."

"We're all feeling very optimistic and happy at the moment ."

There is a new single, Designed Heaven (30/8/96), and a new album, Bigger Than America (20/9/96).
Why not review them for me - being here in Australia I'm not likely to hear it for quite a while

Information from a couple of sources (Thanks The Associate and Si)

From Teletext.

Heaven 17 are back with a new single, Designing Heaven, remixed by synth veteran Giorgio Moroder.

But, claims singer Glenn Gregory, Moroder had no idea what a remix was. Says Glenn:" He said he'd be interested in working with us so we sent him some tapes in Los Angeles. He came back and said "What do You want me to do? What's a remix?" He didn't know what it was. The single came back to us and it was exactly the same as our mix!"

Information courtesy of Christoph Bechtel

Interviewed Heaven 17 on the weekend of the 21st September 1996 for Viva TV.

"H17 sound almost exactly like they did on their first album, they used five analog synths on Bigger than America, three of them mono-fi. The song structures, harmonies and melodies are also very kin to their old material, it's not a remake, though, the songs sound very fresh. Designing Heaven is a mid-tempo song with a syncopated drumbeat, the video was shot in a huge Japanese swimming facility, and Glen collapsed because of the heat in there. The guys wear suits in the video, and Martyn has gained a substantial amount of kgs since the 80s."