Fad Gadget
Years - 1979-84 (Frank Tovey died 3rd April 2002)
Best Song - Life on the Line
Origin - England
Driving Force - Unusual live situations
Years - 1982-88 (Johann Hölzel died 6th February 1998)
Best Song - Der Kommissar (#6 in Melbourne)
Origin - Vienna, Austria
Driving Force - Classically trained ex-punk
Years - 1978-83
Best Song - Something in your Picture
Origin - Birmingham, England
Driving Force - "Enjoy this for god's sake. It's dance music!"
Fiat Lux
Years - 1982-85
Best Song - Feels Like Winter Again
Origin - Wakefield, England
Driving Force - Let there be light
The Fixx
Official Site
Years - 1980-present
Best Song - Stand or Fall (#21 in Melbourne)
Origin - London, England
Driving Force - From The Portraits to Cameras in Paris via Lost Planes
The Flying Lizards
Year - 1976-84
Best Song - Money (#4 UK - 15/9/79, #50 US)
Origin - Ireland
Driving Force - Noisemakers, household appliances and studio tricks
John Foxx
Years - 1980-presentBest Song - Miles Away (#30 in UK - 15/11/80)
Origin - England
Driving Force - "At the start of all these movements like the mods, hippies, and punks, there's a feeling of genuine excitement but it alway tends to get lost and diluted much earlier than most people realise. As soon as the music's named, it's dead. And just before that, when it's being born, it's wildly exciting. People usually make the mistake by trying to identify their identity too quickly. Listen, I would like to be popular, but I'm not going to change the way I do things in order to be popular."
Frankie Goes to Hollywood
Years - 1980-86
Best Song - Relax (#1 in UK - 28/1/84-25/2/84 (after falling it went back to #2 when Two Tribes went to #1 later), #10 in US)
Origin - Liverpool, England
Driving Force - "Where there's a willy there's a way."
James Freud and the Radio Stars
Year - 1979-81 (later known as James Freud and Berlin in 1981) (James Freud died 4th November 2010)
Best Song - Modern Girl (#7 in Melbourne)
Origin - Melbourne, Australia
Driving Force - The best thing in Australia according to Gary Numan - Roger Mason also in the band.
Year - 1981-83
Best Song - Doot Doot (#59 in UK) Reviews
Origin - Cardif, Wales
Driving Force - What drives a one hit wonder? Probably success in the Underworld.