Thompson Twins
Exclusive Tom BaileyInterview
The Thompsons were formed in '77 in Sheffield by three schoolchums from Chesterfield - Tom Bailey, Pete Dodd and John Roog. In '79they moved to London, recruiting Chris Bell. In April '80 they hackedtheir first, self-produced single, Squares and Triangles, aroundLondon record shacks - managing to sell 1,500 copies. Bailey then metAlannah Currie, who played sax in an all girl punk group - TheUnfuckables. Currie soon became a full member of the Thompsons, asdid their roadie, Joe Leeway. In '81 the Thompsons signed a recordingdeal with Hansa and released their debut album, A Product of... Tenyears on (& four members shorter) Bailey and Currie had a babyand continued to released Queer, their eighth and ultimate album asthe Thompsons.
- A Product of Prticipation - 1981
- Set - 1982
- Quick Step and Side Kick - 1983
- Into The Gap - 1984
- Here's to Future Days - 1986
- Close to the Bone - 1988
- Big Trash - 1989
- Queer - 1991
In 1993 Bailey and Currie teamed up with engineer and programmerKeith Fernley (cred's include Dave Byrne) under the moniker Babble,and have so far released two albums, The Stone, and Ether; theirmusicís a mixture of tribal, trance and ambient. They've alsocontributed three tracks to Traci Lords debut album 1000 fires.Babble are currently based in Karaka (NZ), working on a follow up toEther and looking for a new record label. Not a lot of people knowthat.
BABBLE - Bailey, Fernley & Currie.
Lech and Ashley
Net Pages
Passion Planet - the ultimate guide
The Unofficial ThompsonTwins Page